Recently, there had been a few anonymous negative posts about Line Drive Burgers on my first blog post about them. I'm not a big fan of anonymity, but I decided to see for myself, so I went back to Line Drive for a second time. All I can say is, the anonymous posters have it wrong--they know how to make a fine burger here. Now, it wasn't a perfect experience, but the burger here (and remember, they have "burger" in their name) was very danged good!
But, before I get to the very good, let me start with a few disappointments. I ordered the cheesy fries--or at least I tried to, but they were out. So I ordered the onion rings instead. They were very normal and just OK, maybe even a bit to bready for me. I'd say that the oil they were cooked in was on its last legs. They weren't bad, they just didn't wow me at all.
Next was cleanliness. When we got there, admittedly they were quite busy. So we sat down at a table that was not gross or disgusting, but was not clean either. In all the time we were there, I did not notice anyone cleaning any tables--at all. I did notice the trash in the back. As customer after customer discarded their trash, the had to each in some fashion push the trash into the container--it was quite full. At no time was any manager of any sort apparent, and no one really seemed to be taking care of the dining area. Yes, they were busy in the kitchen, but still... come on, you need to keep the dining area in good shape. It was late on a Friday and the oldest employee seemed barely old enough to drink alcohol, but to have a successful restaurant you need to manage your help. Enough said! It wasnt' disgusting, but was certainly not ideal. On to the good.
My friend Tommy ordered a double cheeseburger with provolone cheese. He was very impressed. I think the best burger we've ever had was at a place that is now, sadly, closed, Morgan's Burger Bistro in Sanford. They had the most amazing burgers there that are the standard for us going forward. He said this was not quite as good, but danged close. That is high praise. He also mentioned that perhaps a single burger would have been good enough, the double was quite a bit to tackle!
I also ordered a double cheeseburger. Last time I was here I had a single but made the mistake of adding a lot of toppings which obscured the burger taste. So this time, to make up for that, i ordered a plain and simple double with cheese--cheddar, of course! OK, well I did order some onions on the side....but just in case. At any rate, my burger eventually arrived, cooked to a medium well, and it was very, very good. Sure, it was a bit greasy, but that's a good grease... flavor! My only complaint was the bun. Oh, it was good, but I'd sure prefer a toasted bun. Now, in all fairness, I did not ask, perhaps they'd have toasted it if I'd asked. But still, it would have really made this a kick-ass burger.
Overall, the burgers here are very good, The prices, while not exorbitant, are certainly not cheap. But then again, you get what you pay for, and I left feeling like I got what I paid for. Nice job, Line Drive...
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